Defining Moments
Insight's into the Lawyer's Soul
Defining Moments: Insights into the Lawyer’s Soul, contains 42 inspired essays told by accomplished lawyers detailing their journey to conquer their fears, overcome obstacles, and to discover their true voices.
This book serves as a roadmap for leadership and personal growth applicable to all audiences. Interviews by Melanie Bragg revealed that each lawyer has a “LEAD Line,” or success principle, that he or she has lived by on their road to success. This unique compilation is organized into Bragg’s own leadership model consisting of L–Legacy, E–Excellence, A–Authenticity, and D–Determination. Touching upon every aspect of our lives, the LEAD Lines are practical and inspiring principles that can take any aspiring person from where they are to where they want to be in life. The stories are told by a wide range of lawyers––past ABA presidents, judges, big firm lawyers, small firm lawyers, non-practicing lawyers––what they all have in common is their ultimate success was driven by their defining moments.

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Crosstown Park

Crosstown Park is a social/legal thriller with a spiritual twist. Alex Stockton’s impulsive decision to represent Jose catapults her into an unfamiliar world and an impossible trial. Her perfect record and judicial future depend upon the outcome.
On a flight from New York to Houston, Alex Stockton, a successful young lawyer, meets Reverend Morse. He is in dire need of a lawyer to represent one of his foster home house parents, Jose. Gonzales. The Reverend believes that Jose was falsely accused of sexually molesting Chris Jackson, a teenage boy, in Crosstown Park. He convinces Alex that Chris Jackson made the allegation against the Reverend for disrupting his illegal drug and prostitution activities. Alex’s instincts take over and her long buried memories of her foster home background surface. Before the plane lands she has taken Jose’s case pro bono.
She has six weeks to discover what happened in Crosstown Park between Jose and Chris. She teams up with Nic Wright, a handsome former cop turned security company owner, to save Jose and the children at Shepherd’s Cottages. As the case progresses, Alex’s life and perfect trial record is threatened. Not to mention her lifelong dream of becoming a judge. What she really needs is a witness…
HIPPA for the General Practitioner
HIPAA for the General Practitioner provides specific, strategic, and practical information pertaining to what each state has done in response to the HIPAA preemption provisions. This book demystifies the 692-page HIPAA law, and explains what general practitioners need to know to help their clients. This book also includes the new changes to the HIPAA law from the Economic Stimulus Act of 2009.
When HIPAA became law in 1996, the move already had begun from a paper-based patient data system to an electronic one. This migration poses complex security and privacy issues. Over the next six and a half years, the HIPAA implementation took place with the following goals in mind:
Improve access to health insurance
Minimize healthcare billing fraud, waste and abuse
Increase efficiency and effectiveness of the health care system

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How to Capture and Keep Clients

In this second edition, How To Capture and Keep Clients: Marketing Strategies for Lawyers, the best and most innovative solo and small firm lawyers give the reader their secrets, approaches, and strategies to that age-old puzzle of growing your law firm.
5.5 Effortless Marketing: Putting Your Unique Qualities to Work, Second Edition
It is still true now and will always be true that in today’s highly competitive, increasingly technological work world, cultivating the art of rainmaking is a vital necessity. Whether you are a member of a firm or corporation or on your own, you must develop and maintain a sharp marketing edge in order to survive and thrive in today’s economic climate.
8 The Conscious Lawyer: How the Practice of Mindfulness Will Increase Your Bottom Line
A conscious lawyer is an enlightened entrepreneur who will attract conscious clients. It stands to reason that as you cultivate new practices, you will have fewer headaches and struggles in your law practice. You will enjoy your clients and your cases more and learn to really work in a collaborative fashion. These are the new ways of marketing and being that becoming a conscious lawyer will provide you.
Available at:
Will the R.E.A.L. Authorpreneur Please Stand Up? is a unique compilation, featuring award-winning and bestselling authors. You will follow R.E.A.L. (Relevant, Entrepreneurial, Action-Oriented, and Literary-Focused) authorpreneurs sharing their personal and diverse insights on how they became an authorpreneur and their tips for success.
In chapter 14, Maximizing Your Author Experience, Melanie shares her "best practices" and experiences in becoming an author:
Listen to others but follow your gut
Develop a marketing plan
Support other writers
Develop social marketing skills
Be your own publicist
Become a public speaker